eSubsea quickly design, verify and analysis both weld and bolt capacity. We do fillet weld, partial penetration weld and full penetration welds calculations.
Weld sizing and weld capacity verification
eSubsea quickly size any type of weld (fillet weld, partial penetration weld and full penetration weld) based on the applicable loads and forces on any welded structure.

The strength of the fillet or partial penetration shear or transverse weld can be determined using anything from simple hand calculations to finite element analysis with the most advanced finite element analysis program. The weld can also be designed and verified for fatigue if the welds are subjected to cyclic loads.
Over-welding is common in the subsea and offshore industry and has a tremendous impact on cost. eSubsea can design and verify and properly size the welds on your project and save your project time and cost.

Bolt sizing and bolt capacity checks
eSubsea provide services to design, size or verify your bolts or bolt group for the given loads.

The bolt strength and capacities can be determined using anything from hand calculations to the most advanced finite element analysis program. eSubsea also analyse the bolts or bolt group for fatigue if this an applicable load case.